Stack Overflow -
Convert a String to an int
Seth Kenlon -
How To Beautify Your Java Applications
Creating and Initializing Lists in Java & Groovy
How do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java
Oracle -
Stack Overflow -
Which part of throwing an Exception is expensive
Stack Overflow -
The case against checked exceptions
Stack Overflow -
When should Throwable be used instead of new Exception
Stack Overflow -
Difference between using Throwable and Exception in a try catch
Stack Overflow -
Why catch Exceptions in Java, when you can catch Throwables
Digital Ocean -
Java Spliterator
Java EE, JBoss EAP, Hibernate
Using PowerMock with Mockito
(mocking static methods)
Stack Overflow -
Difference between setUp() and setUpBeforeClass()
Swing GUI Framework
Hyperskill & JetBrains -
Java Desktop Application Developer
ORM framework based on ActiveRecord pattern.